Welcome to the Duda Beta Group 

Great to have you on board! 

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What happened 
‘til now thanks to 
the beta group?

Thanks to suggestions from the beta group, we’ve already improved many new features. Here are a few of them: 


  • What's the benefit of being part of the beta group?

    Being part of this group means you can influence how the product works and share your suggestions about how to make it better. 

    You'll be communicating directly with the product managers that build it, and have the chance to try out stuff before everyone else.

    And.. being an awesome Dude :) 

  • What types of features are in the beta group?

    EVERYTHING! From new widgets we’d like your opinion about to new apps in the App Store, Pro features in the dashboard, and more. Sometimes, it may just be an idea we want to share with you. 

  • Do I have to take part in all beta features?

    No, you don't. Sometimes, the feature will be something that you don’t use, or something that doesn’t fit the types of sites you build. That’s fine, just don’t use it. 

    To be removed from a specific beta feature, you can send a request to BetaPM@duda.co and we'll remove the entire account. Keep in mind that in most cases, the feature will be live for everyone within a few weeks. 

    If we see that you don't send any feedback after several beta features, we’ll remove you from the group.

  • Will my customers see the beta features?

    That depends on the feature and your customers’ permissions. 

    If it's a feature that you add to a customer site and they have editing permissions, they’ll be able to see and use it. Your customers won’t know it’s a beta feature, and they won't be able to send us feedback.

  • Will my staff be able to see the beta features and add feedback?

    Yes, staff members with the right permissions can see and use the features, and send feedback.

  • How will I know about new beta features?

    We’ll send you a heads up a few days before we open each beta feature. 

  • How do I send feedback and suggestions?

    Each feature will have a link to open a popup where you can send suggestions, ask questions, report bugs, and more. In some cases we’ll send you a dedicated survey. It's that easy!

  • How long do I have to send feedback?

    For most features, we will request that you send your feedback within 1 or 2 weeks.

  • Can I leave the group?

    Yes, just send an email to BetaPM@duda.co with your request and we'll remove you from the group. If you do, we would appreciate it if you could tell us why. 

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